About Us


Prof. Lisa O'Malley


Prof. Colin Fitzpatrick


Prof. Michelle O'Dwyer


Dr. Maria Lachirou


Dr. Yvonne Ryan


Dr. Leonie Lynch


Dr. Damian Coughlan


Dr. Alan Ryan

The Brand Story of Trisk

In the vibrant and progressive setting of the University of Limerick, a unique confluence of minds gave birth to an innovative research group named Trisk. Our interdisciplinary team comprises researchers and academics from diverse fields such as business, IT, environmental science, marketing, and entrepreneurship.

United by a shared passion for sustainability and circularity, we embarked on a journey to create a brand that would embody our mission and vision. The journey towards establishing Trisk began with an earnest discussion about the essence of our collaborative effort. As we brainstormed, we realized the need for a name that encapsulated our commitment to sustainability and the concept of circularity, which was central to our work. Circularity, in our context, referred to the idea of creating systems that are regenerative by design, mimicking natural processes where waste is minimized, and resources are reused and recycled indefinitely.

Professor Colin Fitzpatrick, suggested looking towards Irish culture and history for inspiration. He was particularly drawn to the Irish triskele, an ancient symbol consisting of three interlocking spirals. The triskele, or triskelion, is believed to represent motion and continuity, concepts that resonated deeply with our focus on recycling and sustainability. The triskele's cyclical design symbolized the continuous flow and regenerative cycles akin to the principles of circularity that we championed.

The triskele's historical significance further enriched its appeal. Rooted in ancient Celtic culture, the triskele is one of the oldest symbols of spirituality, representing the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. It also signifies the triad nature of life, emphasizing balance and harmony, which are foundational to sustainable practices. Colin’s suggestion sparked enthusiasm within the team, as we saw a profound connection between our goals and the timeless wisdom encapsulated in the triskele.

However, while the triskele was emblematic of our vision, we wanted a name and symbol that also reflected modernity and innovation, key aspects of our research endeavours. This led us to engage with a designer who could help transform the traditional symbol into a contemporary brand identity while preserving its historical and cultural significance. The designer delved into the essence of the triskele, studying its various interpretations and representations throughout history. Through a series of creative iterations, the designer developed a sleek and dynamic version of the triskele. This new design retained the core elements of the original symbol – the three interlocking spirals – but with a more streamlined and fluid aesthetic, representing continuous innovation and progress.

Triskele Symbol

The name "Trisk" was chosen as a shortened, more accessible version of triskele, maintaining a direct connection to the symbol's heritage while being easy to remember and impactful. Trisk not only stood as a name but also as an acronym subtly hinting at our diverse fields of expertise: Technology, Research, Innovation, Sustainability, and Knowledge. Our research now spans across various domains, including developing sustainable business models, advancing IT solutions for environmental monitoring, promoting circular economy principles in entrepreneurship, and creating marketing strategies that emphasize eco-friendly practices. Each project is a testament to our commitment to creating a sustainable future, and the Trisk brand becomes synonymous with cutting-edge research and impactful solutions.

Over time, we intend to forge partnerships with industries, government bodies, and international organizations, amplifying our impact. The brand's emphasis on circularity inspires numerous initiatives aimed at reducing waste, conserving resources, and promoting sustainable practices. Our work not only contributes to academic knowledge but also offers practical solutions that are implemented in real-world scenarios, showcasing the power of interdisciplinary collaboration.

We hope our research journey will continue to inspire others, proving that when diverse minds come together with a common purpose, we can create lasting, positive change.